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Your One-Stop Solution for Quality Supportive Care

 At Family Care Services, we understand that finding affordable and high-quality Supportive care for an aging, ill, or injured family member can be difficult. We can help you research services and explore payment options. With our resources, you can make sure your loved one gets the care they need.

The Benefits of Our Health Services

Start With Family Care Services

Home health agencies like Family Care Services can help ensure a loved one remains safe, secure and comfortable at home as they age, regardless of their health condition.

Whether you’re looking for senior care or an adult daycare provider, a home-based care coordinator is your best bet. We’ll show you how to make the most of these services.

When we meet with your care team, we learn everything we can about you and your situation. Then, we discuss whether private home care is right for you.

A Comprehensive Consultation

We help you with a thorough review of our health services to help you understand what we do and how it will benefit you. We explain everything you need to know about our therapeutic and home care services. We’re clear on what we charge, and what your care is worth to you. If you have any specific requests or questions, we’ll answer them. We always put the health and well-being of our patients and their families first. We work hard to make sure that clients and their families feel comfortable with their treatment plans, and that we can deliver those plans to them every step of the way.

Client-Caregiver Match

When you and your family meet with a care coordinator from Family Care Services, we take into account your loved one’s personality and care requirements to find the best caregiver match for them. Our health services are available to people from all racial, ethnic, and cultural communities, and we aim to build trust between our clients and caregivers. To help with this, we have a staff of multilingual employees that includes native speakers of 18 different languages. If your loved one would feel more comfortable with a caregiver who can identify with their culture and life experience, we will try our best to make that happen.

Supporting Your Loved One’s Well-Being

Speech Therapy

If your loved one can’t communicate their pain or discomfort to you, your ability to provide care is negatively impacted. Our speech therapists help clients overcome speech impairment with vocal exercises and medical advice.

Respite Care

People who care for their family members can’t be more attentive to their own health than to the health of their loved ones. Family Care Services caregivers are available to step in and provide short-term care for your family member while you rest and recuperate.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can help your loved one live a better quality of life by assisting them in retaining the fine motor skills and cognitive abilities necessary to do everyday tasks. Our therapy plans help keep your family member mobile and healthy.


Making sure your loved one has the health services they need to stay independent at home is crucial. Family Care Services is dedicated to providing quality care, and our care guide can help you find the right services for your family member. With our experienced team, you can be sure your loved one is getting the best possible care.

Apraxia speech therapy session

Affordable and Flexible Payment Options

Supportive care is often a challenging decision to make, with many choices to choose from. Family Care Services understands how hard it is to choose from all of them. That’s why we are so invested in doing lots of research on clients and providing recommendations based on the research.

Our team takes your family’s financial situation into account when they meet with our care coordinators. We work hard to provide the services you need at a cost that you can afford. We’ll work with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan so you can continue to get the care that you need.

No Matter Your Needs, We Can Take Care Of You

Our family care services allow your loved ones to comfortably stay at home for as long as possible. Our caregivers have years of experience helping the elderly stay with their families and lead enriching social lives. We can take care of you no matter your cultural or financial needs.

Free Consultation

Discover how tailored respite care solutions can positively impact your daily life.

Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation in the comfort of your home.